A weather balloon?

Back in the day I worked a graveyard shift for several years. That job was compatible with listening to the radio while I worked. Have you listened to much overnight radio? I don’t know what is happening on the airwaves now, but back then Art Bell was the most syndicated host in the country. I listened to it for a long time, and now know much more about UFOs and UFO conspiracies than the average bear.
Which gets us to the answer to today’s trivia question, Project Blue Book. The Air Force ran the project for 22 years, from 1948 to 1969. In theory, Project Blue Book was supposed to study evidence for the existence of UFOs. The reality of what it was gets much more complicated.
The official conclusion of the project was that no evidence of extraterrestrials or extraterrestrial vehicles existed. But there are many who will say that conclusion was by design, and the real purpose of the project was simply public relations. There was never a doubt those would be the findings.
The story gets even murkier when you learn that J. Allen Hynek, the lead investigator for Project Blue Book from 1948 to 1969, late became a believer. In 1973, he founded CUFOS (Center for UFO Studies) in Chicago.
Wherever you fall on the UFO spectrum, it makes for a bunch of good stories, and Project Blue Book is at the root of a lot of them.
You might be wondering what this picture has to do with all of that? Not a lot, to be honest. Other than the fact that every time I see one of these little hairless cats it instantly makes me think of aliens. They are so bizarre. This one happened along at a photoshoot I was doing in NY, and I had to get a shot of his crazy eyeballs.
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