Jesus Christ, Ukelele Star

The march of technology is endless. As we move to tiny little NVMe SSDs that pack terabytes on little sticks that were unimaginable just a few years ago, it’s interesting to look back at where we’ve come from. This shot from inside an old Alpha server is really showing its age.
Which leads to our trivia question from the sales department. Which VAX server had the code name Superstar? It was the VAX 11/785. And that brings us back around to our post title.
You are likely familiar with Andrew Lloyd Webber’s 1970 rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar. A bit of bonus trivia, here in Seattle, there is a yearly invite only version of the show called Jesus Christ, Ukelele star. This features a local actor/musician playing through all the songs, with a host of guest artists, on the ukelele. It is completely wonderful and has become an institution.
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