Back to the drawing board

Another weekend under stay-at-home order left more time to be filled, so I decided to create another mask. This time I started from scratch with no pattern. The only direction I had going in was seeing a photo of a mask someone else had sewn that I liked.

Of course, fabric stores are not operating as normal, so this is very much a work with you have experiment. The outside of the mask is from an old pair of olive colored pantss that have been tucked away in the bottom of a drawer for years. The lining is an old polo shirt that was past its sell by date.

The end result is pretty solid. It looks great, and the fit is super confortable. The polo shirt material is very soft. Not shown is the addition of velcro on the straps, so there are no bulky ties to deal with.
The one big change I would make to the 2.0 version is to attatch the straps to the lining before joining the inside and outside. This way they will just come right out of the side of the mask. Right now you can see them attached on the inside. A bonus is that I think this will work great as an addition to the cold weather motorcycle gear.
It looks like we have a few more weeks of extra time at home coming our way. So I would encourage everyone to try something new.
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