Old dog, new tricks

One of the many things I have seen as we all navigate our various stay-at-home regulations is a whole lot of people making their own masks. This weekend, with nowhere to go, I decided to give it a try. How hard could it be? 😀
It turns out, not insurmountably hard, but not exactly what I would call easy. Sewing machines, if you are not familiar with them, are complicated pieces of machinery. It took more than a couple Youtube videos just to understand how to thread the machine before I could even begin to attempt actually sewing something.

But, with a bit of persistance, that bridge was crossed. That led to a fair bit of trial and error. I had a patter I had downloaded, and my first attempt actually gave me what you could call a mask. It was more a mask for a toddler than for a full size person though, and it had no lining to speak of.
That first prototype gave me enough of the building blocks to go off book and modify the pattern to fit my own face, while incorporating a lining that is from an old polo shirt. The end result is not half bad. I even managed to sew in a velcro closure for the strap so it doesn’t have to be tied.

The three photos you see here are of my first finished, and functional, mask. Making it was a fun adventure. It’s always interesting to learn a new skill. I’ve now started on plans for mask 2.0, with a slightly different design and a pattern made from scratch. We’ll see how that goes.
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